How can we help you?

Metering solutions

We deliver communication for smart metering across Africa.

We enable smart meters to have persistent and reliable communication so that the information to the consumer is consistent and has for greater clarity of consumption behaviour, and utility suppliers for system monitoring and customer billing

We make sure smart meters typically record energy near real-time, and report regularly, short intervals throughout the day..

Logistics Solutions

We provide intelligence that enables the most advanced logistical tracking systems.

Smart logistics practices are now helping companies make better use of their employees’ time and carry out cost-saving strategies made possible from information collected through IoT.

Our solution means that businesses can also move more nimbly in the market and pivot faster in the face of ever-changing supply chains.

Financial Solutions

We provide communication integration to the financial sector.

Our solution provides financial institutions with a cheaper and more reliable way of providing services through ATM & POS to end-users. Either through dedicated VPN or over the internet with our global IoT and M2M SIM with signalling security, we ensure that we protect the link for safe & secure transactions.

Because our solution is versatile, we guarantee a consistent and persistent service.

Telematics Solutions

We provide your tracking devices with always-on communication.

Save time and money with reliable connectivity and an outstanding monitoring SIM platform. Go across borders and seamlessly connect to the best networks in the region with our end-to-end cloud-based infrastructure, purpose-built for IoT in business and smart car technology.

Boost your automotive connectivity system with our leading-edge IoT SIMs.